Line Sensor

A necessary component for any challenge that requires your robot to follow a line. This one is the QTR-8A Reflectance Sensor Array and uses IR transmitters and receivers on it to detect lines.

How it Works

The line sensor is made up of an array of 8 IR LED/phototransistor pairs, each take an analog reflectance reading by timing how long it takes the output voltage to decay due to the phototransistor. By pointing the line sensor IR LEDs/phototransistors at the line, the robot is able to tell where the dark line of tape is by reading the output voltage of each phototransistor

This side of the sensor will be facing the floor to detect the line: line_sensor_diodes.png

Note: You do NOT have to use all 8 of the LED/phototransistor pairs — You can leave the ones you do not want to use disconnected from the ESP32.


Line Sensor Pin ESP32 Pin
5V 5V
Signal Any ADC Capable Pin (i.e. GPIO32)
Signal Any ADC Capable Pin (i.e. GPIO33)


The following program will allow you to continuously read the sensor data from 2 of the photodiode sensors. You will have to calibrate the sensors by positioning the ones you want to use directly over the black electrical tape. If you need to use more than 2 sensors, then you can also move the line sensor back and forth over the black electrical tape to calibrate it.

After the calibration process, you should see the values in the terminal change as you shift the sensors over the black tape.

#include "sdkconfig.h"
#include <Arduino.h>

#include <QTRSensors.h>

QTRSensors qtr;
uint16_t sensors[2];

void setup() {
    // set up Serial Communication and sensor pins
    qtr.setTypeAnalog(); // or setTypeAnalog()
    qtr.setSensorPins((const uint8_t[]) {33, 32}, 2); // pin numbers go in the curly brackets {}, and number of pins goes after

    // calibration sequence
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 250; i++) { 

void loop() {
    qtr.readLineBlack(sensors); // Get calibrated sensor values returned in the sensors array
    Serial.print(" ");

TIP: Always calibrate your line sensor to ensure consistent and accurate results.


  • You received values from the sensor, but what do they mean?
  • How does the position value change as you place your line beneath different sensors, and how can you control that?
  • Is there an easier way to quantify the “change” when the car is veering off the line?
  • What do you do with your robot when that happens? I.e. adjusting movement
  • Consistency in data collection is key for calibration
  • Can you automate the calibration process?