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Welcome to the Robotathon UTRASware documentation!

Here, you'll find various programming and software tutorials, spanning from how to use the integrated development environment (IDE) software to writing drivers for the peripherals of the TM4C and for various devices that are used as sensors and actuators for your robot.

The following pages on this site are recommended reads, preferably in order. If you already know how to do the topic, it can be skipped.

  1. Setup. This page provides the list of prerequisites for Robotathon, and how to install them and set them up. Some overlap with the next tutorial, Version Control.
  2. Version Control. This tutorial guides you through cloning the UTRASWare software library and how to maintain changes to the library for your own purposes.
  3. Running a Demo Project. This tutorial guides you into running the RGB LED example in UTRASWare. Prereqs include actually having CCS and UTRASWare installed.
  4. Creating a New Project. This tutorial guides you on creating a new project from scratch. In particular, we'll manipulate some servos as a first step towards making a moving robot base. It references rascar from Version Control.
  5. Debugging. TBD
  6. Tuning. TBD

Past these pages are a list of all the drivers, both the low level drivers in TM4C123Drivers and the high level drivers in UTRASWare. Each page will describe their functionality, API, and usage.



Copyright 2021 Matthew Yu

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



These drivers have been built with the Keil (pronounced kill in kill me) and Code Composer Studio (CCS) IDEs in mind. Officially, RAS supports CCS, but example projects have been built for both platforms.

Installing Git

"Git is a free and open source [FOSS] distributed version control system" designed for managing projects and files of all types. Git is particularly used in programming to help students and professionals manage their code and collaborate with other people across the internet.

You can install git either manually to use via CLI (a.k.a Powershell, bash, zsh, etc) or with a third party GUI. For the latter, we recommend GitHub Desktop, which works for both macOS and Windows.

A tutorial for Github Desktop can be found here. For CLI users who want to learn git commands, here's a simple visual guide and Github's Git cheatsheet.

Creating a Github Account

The next thing to do is to create your own Github account. Github is a remote server application that stores your code and allows you to collaborate with others. For many people, Github can also be used to store your projects between machines, advertise your portfolio to companies, and to host your own website for free.

Downloading the RASware repository

After you create your Github account, then you can download RASware onto your computer to begin playing with it.

Command line users can clone the repository with the URL

Github Desktop

Github Desktop users can take the RASware url and go to the Code -> Open with GitHub Desktop button. Here's the specific tutorial guide to get you going.

CCS (Windows/Mac/Linux)

Now that your repository has been cloned (preferable in a place you know, such as C:/users/xxx/Documents/Github or ~/Documents/Github), it's time to install CCS.

Here's the CCS install tutorial, and here is the download page.

Alt:Keil (Windows)

Those looking to install Keil (pronounced kill as in kill me), can follow Professor Valvano's guide for setting it up.

Version Control

Version control systems are very helpful when developing software and hardware with teams. By using version control systems, users can see when and what changes were introduced to the project. They can audit changes, test different versions of the project (this is called feature branches), and rollback breaking changes to the project! Finally, version control allows everyone to standardize their version of the project so everyone is on the same page.

Our version control system of choice is Git. There is a Git book - I highly recommend reading this if you want to learn the insides and outsides on how Git works and how you can leverage it for maximum productivity.

Other than Git, we need a remote hosting server to store versions of our software. We use Github, which is one of the biggest hubs of free and open source software (FOSS) projects in the world.


Install Git on Arch

sudo pacman -S git # This will prompt for your password
git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global ""

Install Git on Ubuntu

sudo apt install git-all # This will prompt for your password
git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global ""

This tutorial will install Git via command line on ArchLinux and Ubuntu. Windows users may download Git for Windows that can be used from the Command Prompt or Powershell, or use a Bash emulation shell such as Git BASH (recommended). macOS users may use homebrew.

Cloning a Repo

After you've installed Git and made an account on Github, the first thing you can do is grab your own version of UTRASWare, which is our custom software library for Robotathon 2021. In particular, we'd like for you to create a new repository from UTRASWare, using the template button. It'll prompt you to give a name for it, and then it'll generate a new repository for you with the relevant files.

UTRASWare template button UTRASWare template page

After copying the HTTPS URL, we can then clone the repository with the following command:

Cloning a Repo

git clone

Cloning UTRASWare

Our output should look something like above. When we clone a repository, we are essentially downloading the project into our current directory and setting it up to be used with Git.

Repository Structure

Let's look inside!

Repository Structure

cd UTRASWare-Example # Change directory into the repo we just cloned.
ls -all      # Look inside and view details

UTRASWare structure

Inside, we can see both folders and files. In particular, we see a file, a .gitignore file, and a .git folder.

A file is the introduction to the repository. It describes what's in the repository, what is the purpose of the repository, and instructions on how to install and use it.

A .gitignore file tells Git what files and folders to ignore when committing changes to the repository. We'll talk more about this later.

The .git folder is how Git tracks and manages the project. Don't delete this folder!

Besides these, our software is organized into several folders:

You'll find that the way we structured this repository is one of many different ways; there's a lot of people out there, and they all have different ideas on what is a good file structure. Nethertheless, we hope that you understand why we organized it this way and that it helps simplify your project design.

Making Changes to the Repository and Publishing It

Now that you've taken a look at the repository, the next natural thing is to make your changes to it for your purposes!

This could be by creating a new folder called src (or source) and creating a new CCS or Keil project.

Adding files to the project

As can be seen here, I've added a new project called rascar (We'll show you how to make this project in the Creating Your First Project tutorial).

Git Status

Checking the Git Project

git status

Running git status, we can see that there is an untracked full of stuff. git status tells us the current state of the repository. We'll use this command a couple more times in this process to track where we're at.

Git Add

The next step to do is to add the files to our Git project.

Adding files to Git

git add rascar

Git Add results

We can see now with another git status call that we've added some new files to the project.

Git Commit

Now that the files are added/staged to the project, we need to now commit them, or tell Git that we want to perform a savestate at this point. By committing the files, we generate a local savestate denoted by a hash that we can roll back to at any time if we want.

Committing files to Git

git commit -m "My commit message"

Git Commit results

The added files were now committed, and we can see on another git status that we're ahead of the Github remote server version by 1 commit. We can also use git log to tell us the commit history (both local and remote). We can see that hash ad7e32d belongs to the commit we just did.

Git Push

Finally, the last step is to merge our changed code back to the remote codebase. This way, other users of the repository can see our changes and pull them!

Pushing files to Github

git push

Git Push results

We can see that after logging into Github with our username and password, we pushed our local version of the repository with the remote server and synchronized it. If we check the Github page for our repo, we can find our new commit and changes!

Github update

Final Notes

This is the end of the Git version control tutorial. We've only scratched the surface of what Git and Github can do, and as you use the technology more, you'll dicscover dozens of tricks to speed up your workflow or to make software development more convenient.

A couple of things that weren't covered, but warrant a google search down the road:

Running A Demo Project

Let's start off with a fun example project to flash with to the TM4C. We'll be flashing the RGB project in UTRASWare/rasexamples/RGB with CCS.


1) Import projects from UTRASWare.

Import Projects

2) Select the directory that has your UTRASWare project.

Select Directory

3) Select the specific project you want to import (or select all of them, you'll need them later on).

Select Projects

4) Click finish! The projects will load on the sidebar.

Load Projects

A couple things to notice here:

5) After building the program, here is what a successful build output should look like. A *.out file is generated in a local Binaries folder, and this is the machine code that the TM4C reads.

Build project

6) Now we press the flash button... And then your TM4C should now spurt out rainbow colors at the LEDs next to your reset switch!

Code Structure


 * (1)
 * @file RGBExample.c
 * @author Matthew Yu (
 * @brief TM4C goes wild with RGB lighting.
 * @version 0.1
 * @date 2021-09-27
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2021
 * @note Warning to users who have epilepsy - bright flashing colors.

/** (2) General imports. */
#include <stdlib.h>

/** (3) Device specific imports. */
#include <lib/PLL/PLL.h>
#include <raslib/RGB/RGB.h>

/* (4) */
void EnableInterrupts(void);    // Defined in startup.s
void DisableInterrupts(void);   // Defined in startup.s
void WaitForInterrupt(void);    // Defined in startup.s

/* (5) */
int main(void) {
    /* (6) */

    /* (7) */

    /* (8) Initialize the RGB LEDs! */

    /* (9) */

    /* (10) */
    while(1) {
        /* (11) */

Alright, now that you've flashed your baby's first TM4C code and have gotten it (supposedly) to work, let's actually dig into what your program does to make it change colors on the LEDs.

Our main code consists of the following:

  1. This is the documentation header for your file. Here, you should include important things like "what does this file do?", "what does this project do?", "are there any preconditions to use this project?", "who should be contacted if my TM4C is on fire trying to run this project?".
  2. General imports generally include files such as stdlib.h, stdint.h stdbool.h and so on. They are useful for providing abstractions like NULL and bool for use in the program.
  3. Device specific imports include the specific driver files required to run the main program. Every .c or .h file may include device dependencies (e.g. Switch.h depends on GPIO.h). These must be defined or otherwise your compiler will throw an error that some symbols (e.g. PLLInit) are undefined, which means that it cannot find them.
  4. These function declarations are defined in the startup.s / tm4c123gh6pm_startup_ccs.c assembly file for managing interrupts.
  5. Our main routine. This is the entry point that all programs must have in C/C++.
  6. PLLInit starts up our internal clock. The TM4C can run at a maximum of 80 MHZ. Looking into the header file (PLL.h) itself, we can see definitions for many types of clock frequencies.
  7. Peripherals including timers and switches and so forth can generate interrupts. Turn them off during initialization so interrupts do not cause unintended effects in initialization routines.
  8. This is our initializer for an RGB lighting struct. Looking at raslib/RGB/RGB.h, we can see from the header declaration documentation that the RGB struct uses pins PF1, PF2, PF3, as well as TIMER_5A to run interrupts.
  9. Enable the interrupts. This allows the RGB struct to begin stepping through color states.
  10. Our infinite loop to keep the device from shutting down.
  11. This function simply does nothing until an interrupt is triggered.

Final Note

As a final note, there are many examples presented in UTRASWare/examples and UTRASWare/rasexamples that you can import as projects, both in Keil and in CCS for you to experiment, test, and play with. They utilise some of the essential APIs required for you to put together a functioning robot for competition, so it is HIGHLY recommended to visit them!

Further API documentation for each driver can be found on this site, explaining their inputs, preconditions, and so forth.

Creating Your First Project

Alright, congrats on running the RGB program! The next step is to create your own program and begin to modify it to do what you want.


Using CCS, let's create a new project.

New Project

Let's now set it up. For this project, I'll be calling it rascar - this was the theme of the 2017 Robotathon competition!

Project Setup

Note that I also filled in a couple more interesting things.

Hardware Setup

For this project, we'll be using the onboard LEDs of the TM4C. There are three LEDs, Red, Blue, and Green, tied to pins PF1 - PF3 respectively.

We'll also be using two servo motors, one tied to pin PB1 and the other to PB6. The signal lines (white) of the servo go to these pins, while the red lines go to 5V and the black lines go to ground. 5V can be supplied from a battery tied to your 5V regulator.

Code Setup


 * @file main.c
 * @author Matthew Yu (
 * @brief Main driver for RASCar - our moving poptart box.
 * @version 1.0
 * @date 2021-09-30
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2021
int main(void)
    return 0;

Alright, upon creating the new project, we're presented with the following view:

Empty Project

Let's clean up the header and replace it with something more descriptive.

Adding Includes

main.c (Revision 1)

 * @file main.c
 * @author Matthew Yu (
 * @brief Main driver for RASCar - our moving poptart box.
 * @version 1.0
 * @date 2021-09-30
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2021

/** Device specific imports. */
#include <lib/PLL/PLL.h>
#include <lib/GPIO/GPIO.h>
#include <lib/Timer/Timer.h>
#include <raslib/Servo/Servo.h>

int main(void)
    return 0;

Alright, let's include them into our project.

The next step is to figure out what we're going to do. In this project, we'll define our RASCar as a poptart box with the TM4C and two servo motors - one on each side of the poptart box. We'll also add indicator lights on the TM4C: one to show that the "car" is active, and two to show whether the "car" should be going forwards or backwards.

After a bit of searching in our driver libraries, I've identified that we need the following drivers:

Note that our include calls use angle brackets and a path relative to UTRASWare. We could use quotes, but in this case we did not, for reasons. A dicussion on why you might want to use one or the other can be found on this SO post. The important part is that the file paths start with lib, or raslib, which are direct descendants of UTRASWare's root directory.

Alright, let's compile this!

Adding the Include Path

Compiler Error

Aww, it's a dud.

This is because we haven't set up the include path to find files at lib/.... If we go to the project properties window and add in the path ../.. (assuming the project is in UTRASWare/rascar/.), our error will now go away and the project will build successfully.

Adding Include Path

Adding LEDs

main.c (Revision 2)

 * @file main.c
 * @author Matthew Yu (
 * @brief Main driver for RASCar - our moving poptart box.
 * @version 1.0
 * @date 2021-09-30
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2021

/** Device specific imports. */
#include <lib/PLL/PLL.h>
#include <lib/GPIO/GPIO.h>
#include <lib/Timer/Timer.h>
#include <raslib/Servo/Servo.h>

int main(void)

    GPIOConfig_t PF1Config = {
    GPIOConfig_t PF2Config = {
    GPIOConfig_t PF3Config = {


    while(1) {
        GPIOSetBit(PIN_F2, 1);

The next step to do is to add initializers for the drivers we are using.

This code initializes the system bus clock to 80 MHz. This means that every atomic operation in the microcontroller runs at 12.5 ns. Reminder that your computer has a CPU speed of 3.5 GHz!

It also configures three LEDs on pins F1, F2, and F3, corresponding to the Red, Blue, and Green LEDs respectively. They are set to be internally pulled down, which means that by default the state of the pin is at 0 V. They are also set to be outputs, which means that they source current to other devices, up to 8 mA. Check out GPIO.h for more configuration options, of which there are a lot!

Finally, we set PF2 (blue) to output logic level 1, which is 3.3 V. This should turn your blue LED on!

Let's try to build the project again.

Adding Source Files

Drats! It failed again!

Missing Source Files

This is because we don't have the relevant implementation files required in the project. If we go to the file explorer and link them in, like so:

Source Inclusion

Let's do this for PLL.c, GPIO.c, Timer.c, Servo.c, and FaultHandler.c. The last file is useful (but not necessary) since it adds internal asserts for some drivers. When an assert condition is violated during run time, the falls into a fault handler and turns on the red LED on the TM4C, finally stalling indefinitely. This is great during testing to make sure your code is configured properly! It also provides context in the debugger like line numbers, code, etc that caused the failure.

Compile Success

Alright. The next thing to do is plug in your TM4C, switch the power switch from DEVICE to DEBUG (make sure no other power supplies are attached to the VBUS pin), and press the flash button.

If the blue LED turns on, then we've passed part 1 of this tutorial!

Giving the TM4C a Heart(beat)

main.c (Revision 3)

 * @file main.c
 * @author Matthew Yu (
 * @brief Main driver for RASCar - our moving poptart box.
 * @version 1.0
 * @date 2021-09-30
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2021

/** Device specific imports. */
#include <lib/PLL/PLL.h>
#include <lib/GPIO/GPIO.h>
#include <lib/Timer/Timer.h>
#include <raslib/Servo/Servo.h>

void EnableInterrupts(void);    // Defined in startup.s
void DisableInterrupts(void);   // Defined in startup.s
void WaitForInterrupt(void);    // Defined in startup.s

void heartbeat(uint32_t * args) {
    GPIOSetBit(PIN_F1, !GPIOGetBit(PIN_F1));

int main(void)

    GPIOConfig_t PF1Config = {
    GPIOConfig_t PF2Config = {
    GPIOConfig_t PF3Config = {


    TimerConfig_t heartbeatConfig = {
        .period=freqToPeriod(2, MAX_FREQ),

    while(1) {

The next step is to give the TM4C a heartbeat to make sure it's operating nominally. Heartbeats are great to see if your TM4C is stalling at any point in time.

This code has added a couple new sections to it.

1) The first of which is a set of declarations for interrupts. These are assembly defined declarations found in the inc/tm4c123gh6pm_startup_ccs.c file used for starting, stopping, and waiting for interrupts. 2) The second of which is a function called heartbeat. This is used by a Timer interrupt to toggle the red LED at pin F1. More specifically, in the heartbeat function, we are setting the bit state (0 for off, 1 for on) of pin F1 by reading the current state of pin F1 and negating it with the ! symbol. 3) The third of which is a new config called heartbeatConfig. In this configuration, we defined the period of the interrupt (how long until an interrupt occurs) to be every 2 Hz. Why? Because our heartbeat function only toggles the LED. If we want the LED to run at 1 Hz, we need to toggle it twice! The next step is to assign the heartbeat function address to the timerTask field, and finally assign true to isPeriodic. Overall, this configuration indicates that we will call heartbeat at 2 Hz repeatedly until stopped.

We then initialize this configuration on the next line, then enable interrupts and wait for the TM4C to hit the interrupt, until the end of time.

Time to compile!

Adding Startup Files

This time we get another error:

Missing Startup Functions

Despite the fact that TI gives us autogenerated startup files, tm4c123gh6pm_startup_ccs.c and tm4c123gh6pm.cmd, these files are incomplete and are missing a couple things. We have generously provided complete startup files (inc/startup.s for Keil, inc/tm4c123gh6pm_startup_ccs.c and inc/tm4c123gh6pm.cmd for CCS). Let's remove the current files and replace them with our included files.

Rebuilding the project leads to no compiler errors, and flashing it leads to a red blinking LED!

Making the rascar Move

main.c (Revision 4)

 * @file main.c
 * @author Matthew Yu (
 * @brief Main driver for RASCar - our moving poptart box.
 * @version 1.0
 * @date 2021-09-30
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2021

/** Device specific imports. */
#include <lib/PLL/PLL.h>
#include <lib/GPIO/GPIO.h>
#include <lib/Timer/Timer.h>
#include <raslib/Servo/Servo.h>

void EnableInterrupts(void);    // Defined in startup.s
void DisableInterrupts(void);   // Defined in startup.s
void WaitForInterrupt(void);    // Defined in startup.s

void heartbeat(uint32_t * args) {
    GPIOSetBit(PIN_F1, !GPIOGetBit(PIN_F1));

int main(void)

    GPIOConfig_t PF1Config = {
    GPIOConfig_t PF2Config = {
    GPIOConfig_t PF3Config = {


    TimerConfig_t heartbeatConfig = {
        .period=freqToPeriod(2, MAX_FREQ),

    ServoConfig_t leftServoConfig = {
    PWM_t leftServo = ServoInit(leftServoConfig);

    ServoConfig_t rightServoConfig = {
    PWM_t rightServo = ServoInit(rightServoConfig);

    ServoSetSpeed(leftServo, 100);
    ServoSetSpeed(rightServo, 100);

    while(1) {

Okay, the final step is to add servo code to the program and get the rascar to move forward.

We've added two more configurations, a leftServoConfig and rightServoConfig, on pin B1 and B6, and timers 1A and 2A. Note that we don't use timer 0A since by default the heartbeatConfig uses timer 0A.

We then initialize the servo configurations into two structs, leftServo and rightServo, and set their speeds to 100 each. This should be the maximum forward speed for both motors.

Alright, off to the races we go!


Okay, I lied, you'll get another error: unresolved symbols for PWMxxx.

Remember what I said earlier about adding source files? Well, we also need to add all dependency source files! This includes PWM.c, which is used by Servo.h and Servo.c. Add that in and we'll finish this up. Recompile the project, and flash the output binary to the TM4C.

The servo should now move forward. If it doesn't, there is a screw driver shaped slot on the side of the servo. Turning this adjusts the setpoint of the motor used to determine the speed and direction of movement.

For further troubleshooting, see the tuning page of this site.

Final Notes

Coming Together

Our rascar base can now blink and move forwards and backwards. This is the first step in getting a competitive robot for our 2017 competition. The next step could be a couple of different things, including writing higher level drivers to make the robot turn, adding sensors to follow the environment, or trying to optimize the speed, straightness, and precision of movement.

I hope this introductory tutorial on how to use CCS and UTRASWare to get a functional robot is helpful for you and your team! I look forward to seeing your robot compete in this year's Robotathon!

~ Matthew Yu (2021).



GPIO Drivers

This driver API version is 0.1 and is in BETA. Those building software on this version may experience breaking changes when migrating to the next minor or major reason.


GPIO pins, or General Purpose Input Output pins, are user configurable pins that can be controlled to operate as a number of functional peripherals. A couple of potential uses are provided below.

This driver is one of the base pillars of TM4C123Drivers and UTRASWare, and is used in many other drivers.


ADC Drivers